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Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

In this article, we are going to go over what separates the top Shopify dropshipping stores from the ones that are just fighting to break even.

That is why we analyzed the top 12 Shopify dropshipping stores in multiple niches so that we can inspire you while giving you concrete and practical tips for the store revenue boost you are looking for.

So let’s not waste more time and dive into our list of top stores and the 20+ lessons we learned from analyzing them.

The Top 12 Shopify Dropshipping Stores and What We Can Learn From Each One.

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Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

The about us page tells the story of the brand, which isn’t very spectacular. Usually most brands are started this way.

However, here is the story:

Bluecrate was started from a man who had been looking for the perfect gift for his wife for hours until finally finding the perfect one.

So in order to help other people searching for the perfect gift he decided to start his own gift store.

Where did the name come from?

He saw under his desk a blue crate and decided to register the domain under that name. Good or not, the name is popular and the store’s revenue is in the millions per month.

Thanks to the store intelligence feature in our dropshipping app, we can also see which are their best selling products.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

The reason we put Bluecrate first on our list, on top of the revenue per month, is for 3 very good reasons why it is actually one of the top shopify dropshipping stores:

  • The insane amount of direct traffic they get.
  • No ads on-top of the ones bidding on their own brand name.
  • Great amounts of referral traffic

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

As you can see the majority of people directly type bluecrate.com in their browsers to access the website.

This is good news because it means people are coming back to buy again, or they have created an insane amount of word of mouth marketing.

With social media, they rely mostly on Facebook.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

If you have a look at their Facebook page you would see that they rely mostly on videos to sell their products.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

The videos are posted as a post, not an ad.

From there, and the 70+% Direct traffic I can only assume that most of their audience is really engaged with their products plus their videos are high quality.

Also a big part of their traffic is referral traffic, so let’s have a look at what we may learn from them.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

On top of which sites are their biggest affiliates, we can also see that a lot of the people who visit their site through an affiliate go to Instagram afterward as a result.

Both their Facebook page and Instagram page have 15k-19k subscribers.

Lesson: Create relationships with the biggest affiliates in your niche and create a social media presence where you can offer your products using great quality videos.

2. Hygo

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

As you can see by our store intelligence tool, Hugo makes close to 15 Million a month in revenue.Let’s see what we can learn from this incredibly successful general Shopify dropshipping store.

First of all, we notice that just like Bluecrate it has a good number of referrals.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

What makes it different from Bluecrate is that Hygo receives more organic traffic each month.

Lesson: Improve your site SEO. Specifically learn how to get backlinks to your most important pages.Also, link out from your most authoritative pages to the ones you want to rank.

Hugo are doing multiple things right on top of their Google SEO game as well.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

As we can see, they are leveraging youtube to promote their products.

Most of their videos are in the 250,000 to 500,000 video views range. Some of them have been watched by millions.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Lesson: Analyze their videos. The titles, keywords, how they sell each product, etc. A tool like TubeBuddy or VideoIQ would be very helpful for you to level up your YouTube SEO game.

Also if we have a look at their website, we can see how they are leveraging social proof in their headlines along with the star ratings and numbers sold.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Lesson: Group products in categories that enable you to use social proof when appropriate and true.

But if I had to guess which sales tactic has the biggest impact on their monthly sales, then I would have to say it is their upsells at the bottom of their product pages.

All huge e-commerce sites leverage upsells to increase their profits.


Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros


Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Lesson: Include a Frequently Bought Together product upsells in the bottom of your product pages as long as it is true and makes sense.

3. Warmly

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Warmly is probably the top shopify dropshipping store when it comes to home and decor.

Here is our store analysis to prove it:

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

What I like about warmly when it comes to marketing is that it automatically tracks your IP address and adjusts the prices to your country’s currency.

Another great tactic that they use is that after you scroll for a certain amount of time it shows you a person’s name, address, and what they bought recently.

Again the lesson here is about social proof and having great images that feature your product.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros
When it comes to the marketing side, 99% of their traffic comes from organic search and Pinterest marketing.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Lesson: If you are into the home and decor niche, then Pinterest is one of your ideal platforms.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

4.Dog Pawty

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Now we are getting into another niche-specific top shopify dropshipping store

From a revenue standpoint it isn’t as much as Warmly, but it is doing very well for a niche specific store.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

As you can see by the data it isn’t in the millions, because it is a store centered around 1 specific niche.

But 400,000k is pretty impressive.

Now you probably are wondering:

“What is the lesson here?”

Here it is.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Lesson: If you are in a specific niche look around for what digital product you can offer your audience.

In this case, I would bet that this book is an affiliate offer.

And in case you have never read a very emotional product description, here is one:

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Lesson: Understand your target audience and connect with them on an emotional level as well as logical when writing your product descriptions.



Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

It is no surprise that their store is in our list of top shopify dropshipping stores.There are a few things I like specifically about them that I can’t wait to share with you.

1.The first impression

You can tell a lot about the site from the home page.

Here just like when we talked about Dogpawty’s product descriptions, you can see immediately how they are pre-selling you on why their products are unique and the best.

All while staying in the “treasure-pirate” persona they have built a brand on.

2.Their images are top-quality and change to help you visualize the use of the product.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

When you are about to click on a product it either changes the product angle, or shows how it would look if you were wearing it or had it in your house.

Adding a human element to it is very good to help the reader visualize using it.

3. They use scarcity when selling their products.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Scarcity is a very powerful sales tactic.

As you can see they have included a timer and only 13 left in stock.

6. Best Choice Products


Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Again we are going to go over a general dropshipping store. One of the many things I like about them is that they sell high ticket dropshipping items.

A big portion of their sales come from products in the 100-200 range.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

And our store intelligence tool confirms our guess that they are a very profitable dropshipping store.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

The best thing about their site is that they spend 0 on advertising.

And it is no surprise.

If we go behind the scenes, we can see that they receive a huge amount of organic traffic each month.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

109k is how much they would need to pay per month if they were bidding in Google Adwords on all of the keywords that bring them traffic.

Lesson: Use Ahrefs to have a look at their Top Pages report for ideas on which keywords bring in the most organic traffic.

Also, have a look at the backlinks report so you know which sites link to them. Select one link per domain and the link to be “dofollow”.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Now you know which keywords bring in the most traffic as well as who is linking to their site.

There are 2 other things that they do really well that impact their bottom line.

First of all, they leverage Instagram very well.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Second, they have their own affiliate program.

Whenever you are selling more expensive items, one of the routes you can take is using Facebook or Google Ads.

They get you results faster, especially when you get the hang of things. But one of the best long-term strategies is creating your own affiliate program.


This benefits you in two big ways:

  1. Very targeted traffic.
  2. More conversions due to the “presell” effect.

When an influencer or just an ordinary site owner who has a good relationship with their audience recommends you, then you are basically “borrowing” some of the authority they have built with their customers.

The visitors now trust you and know what to expect before arriving at the product page.

Lesson: Reach out to Influencers for shoutouts, or create your own affiliate program so you can use the “presell” effect to your advantage and skyrocket your conversions.

If you are interested in learning more about how to dropship expensive products, you can check out our guide on high-ticket dropshipping.



Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

7. Stylish New Deals


Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

The first impression I get when visiting their blog is that they are very direct. As you can see their homepage has a clear call to action “SHOP NOW”.

I don’t see a blog section which means the majority of their traffic will come from paid ads and social media.

And if we head over to SimilarWeb, then we can see how this is very true.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

The majority of their traffic comes from social media, direct and search.

If a have a deeper look at their social traffic sources, we can see that more than one of our top shopify dropshipping stores on our list gets all of its social traffic from Pinterest.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

What helps them get this insane amount of views is that they have a lot of boards created. They have boards on each category of products that they sell.

You can follow the board and whenever they pin another product to the board you will be notified.

With Pinterest you can also create your own board and pin individual products that you like to it.

Awesome strategy.

We can also see that the majority of their search traffic is paid.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

So, how much revenue do they make per month?

Here is the result:

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Close to 2 million per month.

If you look below the number of monthly orders you will see that they have both Facebook and Google tracking pixels set up.

This means that all of their paid traffic comes from either Facebook or Google Ads because we saw that they don’t use display network advertising.

I didn’t see a Facebook page of theirs, so let’s head over to Ahrefs and see if they are running Google ads.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Yes, they are.

But there is something even more important than just seeing which products are in demand.

And that is the next lesson.

Lesson: Whenever you see someone driving traffic to only a few specific pages, then they must be converting like crazy. Analyze their landing page copy, Images, and structure.

8. Brogrowshop

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Brogrowshop is a general shopify dropshipping store.

Here you can find everything from electronics to toys. It has products in all of the major dropshipping niches such as:

  • Electronics & Accessories
  • Houseware & Kitchen
  • Sports & Outdoors
  • Tools & Garden
  • Health & Beauty
  • Car Accessories
  • Toys, Kids & Gift

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

The interesting thing about them is that they don’t have ads running. Also they have Pinterest photos with clickable links leading to their site but no page.

If you look them up in SimilarWeb it says that they are getting around 30% from their traffic from Facebook which is their main channel(98% of the social traffic share)

But if you have a closer look at their traffic sources, you will see something interesting:

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Can you guess it?

Ok, here it is:

Unlike the other of the top-ranking sites mentioned earlier, Brogrowshop has a good percentage of its traffic coming from email marketing.

It is close to 5%.

With the other top shopify dropshipping stores we saw maybe a 0,5-1% of their traffic coming from email.

Lesson: Capture your buyers’ email addresses so that you can bring them back to your store.

You can also subscribe to brogrowshop’s email list to learn their email marketing strategy as well.

Now, let’s have a look at their product pages.

One thing that makes sense on why they rely predominantly on Facebook for their traffic is this:

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

They send you a 5% discount directly to your messenger profile.

This is an amazing tactic because messenger bot marketing has been proven to have one of the highest open rates.

Lesson: Use messenger bot marketing to increase your open rates and as a result conversion rates.

Here you can learn more about why having a messenger chatbot is such an effective marketing strategy and how to create one for yourself:


This is one strategy that you cannot ignore because it is proven time and time again to be super effective.


If you want to have one of the top shopify dropshipping stores you will need every possible “hack” to give you the edge over your competition.

Another thing I like is how at their product pages they give you bigger discounts the more you buy of the same item.

You are offered a few related items as well.

But probably their best tactic is the multiple pages of 5-star reviews at the bottom of the product page.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

9. Notebook Therapy

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

This is a very niche-specific shopify dropshipping store that sells something that most of us probably would have never thought of… Japanese+ Korean stationery.

But before we go into what we can learn from this amazing store, let’s see how it compares to the other stores on our list.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

As we can see this store receives a lot of traffic each month which makes them a good amount of revenue.

As with our previous stores on the list, we will go to SimilarWeb to see which platforms bring in the most traffic and also analyze their shopify store.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

So, almost half of Notebook Therapy’s traffic is from returning customers.

We can also see that Google search is another huge traffic source for them. And only 0.5 % is from paid ads.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

The next step is to go to Ahrefs and see if they receive a good amount of organic traffic each month.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Now the next thing, as we discussed earlier, is to see the keywords that bring them the most traffic as well as the sites that link to them.

According to SimilarWeb their social media presence is balanced between Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and Reddit.

If we have a look at their Facebook page we can see a few things that they are doing really well.

First of all, they feature images of their fans using their products and give credit.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Lesson: Give credit to your fans, so you incentivize more and more people to send you amazing photos of them using your products.

This is again a great way to show social proof and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

The second thing they do very well with their Facebook page is that they create amazing giveaways.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

As you can also see they are not just giving away some random, or even best-selling items to their fans.

They are using the giveaway to generate more views and excitement for their new product that they are just launching.

Also if you are unsure about a certain product, you can use the giveaway as a test to check if enough people will jump at the opportunity to get it.

Lesson: Use giveaways as a way to leverage your fan base to promote your newly added products.

Now before we move on to our next top shopify dropshipping store, we are going to have a quick look at their website for some inspiration.

Just like the other top sites on our list, they are leveraging their instagram follower count combined with great pictures of customers recommending their products as social proof.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Another great thing is their exit pop up which asks you for your email address.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Lesson: Use an exit pop up for your own store when someone lands on your website and is about to click away so you capture their email address.

10. Dude Gadgets

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Yet again on our list, we are including a niche-specific dropshipping store. Dude Gadgets is probably the biggest shopify gadget dropshipping store.

I couldn’t find specific marketing data about them. They aren’t running ads, or creating blog content to get organic traffic.

Their store, according to domain.com’s whois lookup checker, was registered 4 years ago.

If we have a look at Ahrefs, they have a lot of websites linking to them. Their biggest spikes of growth occurred in 2018.

You can have a look at what exact products they uploaded that year and also which sites helped them the most.

Lesson: Look for spikes in your competitors traffic and referring pages to get an idea of what is working from an SEO standpoint.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Oh, and I almost forgot…

Here is what our store intelligence feature says about them:

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

11. Mini Smart World

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Just like Dude Gadgets, Mini Smart World is mostly in the electronics/gadgets niche.

They also cover a few of the other most popular dropshipping niches such as:

  • Home & Beauty
  • Outdoors Items
  • Home & Decor

If you have a look at their site you will see that they include most of the best practices that we went over with the other top Shopify dropshipping stores.

They use:

  • Social proof.
  • Great product images.
  •  A prize wheel to get you to give them your email address.

According to our store intelligence tool, we can see that they make a good amount of revenue per month.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

But if we go even deeper we can see how most of their products we uploaded recently to their store.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Lesson: Don’t be afraid to try dropshipping new products.

All of the top shopify dropshipping stores are constantly trying out new products.

It is also a good idea to monitor 2-3 stores that are experimenting with a lot of different products, so you know which ones you should add to your store.

And now, let’s move on to the final top shopify dropshipping store on our list.

12. Until Gone

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

There is no better way to include both social proof and make people know that they are getting a great deal than naming your brand “until gone”

Before we get into what we can learn from this top dropshipping site, let’s…

You have probably guessed it already. Let’s see how it compares to the rest on our list.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

As we can see, it is a close competitor to Hygo when it comes to monthly revenue.

When we have a more in-depth look at their website and what SimilarWeb is telling us, it is no surprise why they are one of the best.

First of all, immediately when we visit their homepage we can see at the top left corner how they are providing the ability to buy whatever you want without having to pay.

Yes, you read correctly. Have a look at their homepage screenshot from earlier.

So, let’s click to learn more.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

This great example brings to our next lesson.

Lesson: Make the checkout process for your customers as easy and convenient as possible.

For example, don’t overwhelm your customers by making them fill in all of the necessary information you need from them all at once.

Create 2 pages.

Just make sure you have a visible button with a clear call to action that directs them to the next page where they can fill in the other half of the details.

Another great tactic they use is very popular among airlines.

Top Shopify Dropshipping Stores: 20+ Revenue Growth Hacks From The Pros

Lesson: Include a cashback reward program for your dropshipping business.


There you have it. If you count them you will see that there are actually 20+ Lessons that can help you boost your revenue and create a complete marketing strategy for your own store.

If you found this article helpful, leave a comment below about which tip you will implement in your store.

Also If you are interested in getting to know more about our dropshipping software here at sellthetrend.com that can help you find winning products, do competitor research, and fully automate your dropshipping business, then click on Start 7-Day Free Trial.

Sell The Trend is an AI-powered dropshipping platform that can save you a lot of time, energy, and money. The Nexus AI product research tool, different product explorers, ad creators, competitors spy tool, and the exclusive dropshipping and Facebook courses help a lot.

When you get your dropshipping store to the top, you can drop us a message so we can include you to our list.

All the best.

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